Maggie McCabe, MA, OTR/L

Maggie McCabe

Maggie McCabe

Occupational Therapist Registered/Licensed

Year I joined CT:


Why I became an OT:

I always aspired to work in the healthcare field and saw the greatest opportunity to help clients and their families achieve the highest quality of living through occupational therapy. I love the holistic and functional focus that occupational therapy has and its ability to help a person succeed at their most important, cherished, and essential aspects of life.

More about me:

I cherish and enjoy any time I can spend with my family or friends. I spent many years going to college and graduate school in Duluth, MN and I take every opportunity I can to visit Duluth and enjoy its stunning sights and delicious food. In my other free time you can likely find me going to a concert, close to a lake, or baking cookies, brownies or anything with chocolate!

Special training, certification, and interests:

I am certified in Beckman Oral Motor assessment and intervention techniques and have completed special training for sensory integration assessment techniques from the Spiral Foundation. I love to continue learning about sensory integration techniques and ways in which sensory processing strategies can be incorporated into everyday life.